LM8 Solar - International Experts in Photovoltaic Material

LM8 Solar is a global wholesale distribution company of photovoltaic solar materials. With extensive experience in the industry, we specialize in selling solar panels from top brands.

Logo CanadianSolar
Logo Sharp
Logo JinKO Solar
Logo Iberian Solar
Paneles solares


We supply photovoltaic materials to installations around the world. Over 5 brands trust us to distribute their products with the best service.

Estructuras para placas solares


We offer a wide range of SUNFER solar panel mounting structures, suitable for both vertical and horizontal module arrangements.

Paneles solares


We provide a complete solar material solution for your projects, offering leading brands of solar inverters to meet any type of requirement.

Paneles solares


We offer our customers the best batteries to support their solar installations.

Estructuras para placas solares


We have a specialized technical team that advises customers to maximize the performance of their installations. .

Paneles solares


We analyze the performance of your installation through thermography using a specialized drone flight.

Last News

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Ha llegado el momento de celebrar con mucha ilusión nuestros 8 años de LM8 Solar, y no podíamos dejar pasar esta oportunidad para dar las gracias a todos los que han sido parte...
En el mundo empresarial actual, la innovación y la eficiencia son claves para mantener una ventaja competitiva y asegurar un crecimiento sostenible. En LM8 Solar, entendemos que...

Do you need material? Contact us

At LM8 we offer the best official distribution prices (solar panels, inverters, structures, etc.) We offer technical service and make international shipments. Contact us and take your facilities to the next level with our advice and products.